Fitbit Ultra Wireless Activity Plus Sleeptracker Review

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Fitbit Ultra Wireless Activity Plus Sleeptracker is an expensive pedometer - - but a highly accurate one. I ' ve counted 150 steps in my head many times and it was spot - on. I ' ve used a PreCor elliptical that told me I went 2873 steps and the Fitbit told me I went 2870. That ' s quality. Distance accuracy can get close to 5 % error, but only if you calibrate your walking and running stride lengths in your profile settings ( calibrate by measuring off 50 feet, walk the 50 feet and count the # of steps, divide the 600 inches by your number of walking steps. Repeat 2 more times and take the average. Do the same for running ). Otherwise your distance can be off by 20 %. The Ultra ' s main difference from the previous model is that it keeps track of flights of stairs. In a 3 step ranch house, walking up and down the 3 steps 8 times in a 5 minute period didn ' t seem to register as a flight or two. However, when I ' ve gone up 5 consecutive flights all at once it does seem to be pretty accurate. As long as you keep the Fitbit clipped to your waist / pocket areas or bra strap, it seems to be good. The Ultra also has a stopwatch function, but looking down to my waist, hitting the button and trying to see the timer wasn ' t really practical during a run. Just wear a watch instead. Finally, the sleep tracking works well, but I find it to be a bit of an annoyance. If you want to wear the soft wrist strap and keep track of your sleep efficiency, it will definitely help you. But after 2 weeks I found that I was such a sound sleeper that I didn ' t want to deal with the 2 minutes of set up time to find the wrist strap and put it on. Instead, I now just start the sleep timer when I crawl in bed and put the Fitbit on my nightstand. When I wake up, I hit stop. This way it still gives me a very good idea of how many hours I ' m sleeping per night. It ' s helped me realize that if I average under 6. 25 - 6. 5 hours of sleep per day for a week, I feel awful, but if I ' m over that mark, I perform better during the day.

Fitbit Ultra Wireless Activity Plus Sleep Tracker Description

The new Fitbit Ultra Wireless Activity Tracker makes every step you take a step toward better fitness, even on your busiest days. The Fitbit Ultra monitors your all-day activity to provide you with real-time feedback on steps, distance, calories burned, and stairs climbed to encourage you to walk more and be more active. It wirelessly uploads your data to so you can gain deeper insight into your daily or monthly fitness and sleep levels with free online graphs and charts. On, you can earn fitness badges, connect with friends to share and compete on fitness goals, or join the Fitbit community for advice and encouragement.